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141 evaluations found
Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition
The Children’s Communication Checklist – Second Edition, U.S. Edition (CCC-2; Bishop, 2006) is a norm-referenced measure designed to assess children’s communication skills, particularly in the area of pragmatic language. It is used with children 4:0-16:11 who speak in sentences and whose primary language is English.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fifth Edition
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fifth Edition (CELF-5; Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2013) is an individually administered instrument used for identifying and diagnosing language disorder in individuals ages 5:0 through 21:1.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool - Second Edition
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Preschool – Second Edition (CELF-Preschool-2; Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2004) is an individually-administered instrument designed to assess performance in the aspects of language that are considered to be fundamental to the development of effective communication skills for children ages 3:0 through 6:11.
Clinical Observation of Motor and Postural Skills - Second Edition
The Clinical Observation of Motor and Postural Skills – Second Edition (COMPS-2; Wilson, Kaplan, Pollock, & Law, 2000) is a screening tool for identifying the presence or absence of motor problems with a postural component.
Cognitive Assessment System - Second Edition
The Cognitive Assessment System – Second Edition (CAS2; Naglieri & Das, 2014) measures cognitive processing abilities based on the cognitive/neuropsychological theory known as PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive) for children 4 years through 18 years, 11 months.
Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales
The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS; Wetherby & Prizant, 2003) is a norm-referenced tool that surveys both communication skills and often-overlooked indicators of symbolic development (i.e., gestures, facial expressions, play behaviors) The screening instrument derived from this instrument, the CSBS Developmental Profile (CSBS DP) helps determine the communicative competence of young children.
Community-Based Functional Skills Assessment for Transition Aged Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Community-Based Functional Skills Assessment for Transition-Age Youth with ASD (VCU-RRTC, 2014) is a tool designed to measure functional life skills across eight domains in order to identify areas of instructional priorities for students with ASD who are ages 12 and older.
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language - Second Edition
The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (CASL-2; Carrow-Woolfolk,2017) is an individually administered oral language battery for individuals ages 3 through 21; it measures oral language processing skills related to both comprehension and expression.
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - Second Edition
The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing – Second Edition (CTOPP-2; Wagner, Torgesen, Rashotte, & Pearson, 2013) is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure of phonological processing abilities for individuals 4 years to 24 years, 11 months.
Conners, Third Edition
The Conners, Third Edition (Conners 3; Conners, 2008) are norm-referenced rating scales that assess behavioral and emotional problems in children ages 6 to 18 years, with a focus on ADHD and comorbid disorders. Teacher, parent, and self-report are available.
Degangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration
The DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration (TSI; DeGangi & Berk, 1983) is a criterion-referenced assessment of sensory integrative functions of children ages 3 to 5 years old. The TSI is sensitive to even subtle developmental deficits, which can facilitate early intervention.
Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities - Fifth Edition
The Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities- Fifth (DTLA-5; Hammill, McGhee, & Ehrler, 2017) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced measure of specific cognitive abilities for individuals 6 years to 17 years, 11 months.
Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition
The Developmental Assessment of Young Children – Second Edition (DAYC-2; Voress & Maddox, 2013) is a norm-referenced instrument designed to identify possible delays in children aged birth through 5 years, 11 months in the areas of cognition, communication, social emotional development, physical development, and adaptive behavior.
Developmental Behavior Checklist-Autism Screen Algorithm (DBC-ASA) and Early Screen (DBC-ES)
The Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC; Einfeld & Tongue, 1992, 2002) is a combination of instruments for the assessment of persons across ages. There are multiple components, two of which are parent scales for use with children of different ages: the Autism Screening Algorithm (DBC-ASA: Brereton, Tonge, Mckinnon, & Einfeld, 2002), for 4-18 year-olds; and the Early Screen (DBC-ES; Gray & Tonge, 2005), for children ages 18-48 months.
Developmental Profile - Third Edition
The Developmental Profile – Third Edition (DP-3; Alpern, 2007) is a norm-referenced developmental screening instrument that is administered as a structured parent interview to determine the child’s present level of functioning; administration as a parent/caregiver checklist is an option when a direct interview is not feasible.
Diagnostic Achievement Battery - Fourth Edition
The Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Fourth Edition (DAB-4; Newcomer, 2014) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced achievement test used to measure achievement in children from ages 6 to 14.
Differential Ability Scales - Second Edition
The Differential Ability Scales – Second Edition (DAS-II; Elliott, 2007) is an individually administered norm-referenced battery of cognitive subtests for children and adolescents ages 2:6 through 17:11.
Early Screening of Autistic Traits
The Early Screening of Autistic Traits (ESAT; Swinkels et al., 2006) is a 19-item screening checklist for parents/caregivers of 14-month old infants. It is primarily used by health practitioners at well-baby visits.
Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting
The Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting (ETCH; Amundson, 1995) is a criterion-referenced assessment of manuscript and cursive writing for students in grades 1 through 6 (6 years through 12 years, 5 months). It results in scores for seven tasks, as well as a composite score for total legibility.
Expressive Vocabulary Test - Third Edition
The Expressive Vocabulary Test Third Edition (EVT-3; Williams-3) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced measure of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval for use with individuals ages 2 years, 6 months to 90 years and older. It is co-normed with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fifth Edition (PPVT-5).
Functional Assessment Checklist: Teachers and Staff
The Functional Assessment Checklist: Teachers and Staff (FACTS; March, Horner, Lewis-Palmer, Brown, Crone, & Todd, 1999) is a semi-structured brief interview method used to conduct a functional assessment or develop an intervention plan for individual students.
Functional Assessment Interview
The Functional Assessment Interview (FAI; O’Neill et al., 1997) is a semi-structured interview with 11 sections, which is designed to gather information about a behavior and the circumstances under which it occurs.
Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale
The Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder Scale (GADS; Gilliam, 2001) is a 32-item questionnaire designed to identify individuals with Asperger’s Disorder.
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, Third Edition
The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, Third Edition (GARS; Gilliam, 2014) is completed by parents, teachers, or clinicians to help diagnose autism and estimate its severity among persons 3-22 years old.
Gray Oral Reading Test - Fifth Edition
The Gray Oral Reading Test – Fifth Edition (GORT-5; Wiederholt & Bryant, 2012) is an individually administered, norm-referenced instrument used to measure oral reading fluency and comprehension.
Hawaii Early Learning Profile
The Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) consists of two criterion-referenced assessment instruments for use with children between birth and 6 years old- the HELP: 0-3 Years (2006; VORT) and the HELP: 3-6 years (2010; VORT), These instruments are used to track progress in the domains of cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, social-emotional, and self-help skills for the purposes of tracking intervention process.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition Normative Update
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children – Second Edition Normative Update (KABC-II NU; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2018) is an individually administered measure of the cognitive processing abilities of children and adolescents ages 3 through 18.
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement - Third Edition
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement – Third Edition (KTEA-3; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2014) is an individually-administered measure of academic achievement across multiple areas for individuals from ages 4 years, 6 months through 25.
KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment - Third Edition
The KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment – Third Edition (KeyMath-3; Connolly, 2007) is an individually administered, norm-referenced inventory designed to assess mathematical concepts and skills.
Language Curriculum - Referenced Assessment
The Language Curriculum – Referenced Assessment (LCRA; Cannon, Johnsen, Malone, Walsh, & Fagan, 2002) is a criterion-referenced assessment instrument that uses the language areas of listening comprehension, oral expression, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics to identify areas of strengths and challenges. It can be used for students age 3 through high school.
Leiter International Performance Scale - Third Edition
The Leiter International Performance Scale – Third Edition (Leiter-3; Roid, Miller, Pomplun, & Koch, 2013) is an individually administered, nonverbal measure of intelligence for persons 3-75 years old.
Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development
The Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development (M-P-R; Roid & Sampers, 2004) is a play-based, norm-referenced instrument that is individually administered to evaluate cognitive, social-emotional, self-help, and fine and gross motor development in infants and children 1 month to 6 years, 5 months old.
Minnesota Handwriting Assessment
The Minnesota Handwriting Assessment (MHA; Reisman, 1999) is a norm-referenced instrument that can be used from January of first grade through second grade to identify young students’ whose manuscript handwriting indicates the need for further evaluation.