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Conners, Third Edition

The Conners, Third Edition (Conners 3; Conners, 2008) are norm-referenced rating scales that assess behavioral and emotional problems in children ages 6 to 18 years, with a focus on ADHD and comorbid disorders. Teacher, parent, and self-report are available.

Available from MHS


The Conners,– Third Edition (Conners 3; Conners, 2008) are norm-referenced rating scales that assess behavioral and emotional problems in children ages 6 to 18 years, with a focus on ADHD and comorbid disorders. Teacher and parent rating scales are available for ages 6-18, and self-report rating scale is available for ages 8-18. All forms are available in short and long forms. Short forms may be useful for screening and progress monitoring, while the long forms are helpful for comprehensive evaluations and diagnostic purposes.

Multiple scores are yielded from the Conners 3, including the Global Index, a measure of general psychopathology; and the ADHD Index, a 10-item ADHD index. These can both be used as screening instruments and are included in the full length Conners 3, or they may be purchased separately. Several content scales are also included, along with scales aligned with the DSM; recently, the Conners 3 was updated to provide a new scoring option for the DSM-5. In the Conners 3, screener items, impairment items, and critical items alert examiners to specific problems. The Screener Items uncover mood disorders that might otherwise go undetected, while the Impairment Items tell you how the student’s problems are affecting his or her academic functioning, home life, and friendships. The Critical Items identify students with severe behavior problems (such as weapons use or fire-setting) who need immediate attention. Gender-specific norms are available. All components of the Conners 3 are available in paper-and-pencil or computerized formats.


Age: 6-18 years (Teacher & Parent); 8-18 years (Self)

Time to Administer: 10 minutes (short forms); 20 minutes (long forms)

Method of Administration: Individually administered, norm-referenced Teacher, Parent and Self-Report rating scales; each have long and short forms
Conners 3 ADHD Index is included in the full-length Conners-3 or may be purchased separately
Conners 3 Global Index , a measure of general psychopathology, is included in the full-length Conners-3 or may be purchased separately
Yields T scores (M = 50, SD = 10), percentile ranks, descriptive range

Subscales: Content Scales: Inattention; Hyperactivity/ Impulsivity; Executive Functioning; Learning Problems; Defiance/Aggression; Peer Relations; Family Relations
DSM-5 Symptom Scales: ADHD; Hyperactive/Impulsive; ADHD Inattentive; Oppositional Defiant Disorder; Conduct Disorder
Index Scores: Global Index; ADHD Index

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