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Intervention Evidence Rating

"Educational and human service programs for children and youth with autism should be based on scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The requirement is particularly important for children and youth with autism and their families" (Steinbrenner et al., 2020). The practices defined here in the TARGET are labeled with one of the following three categories.

Evidence Based

Focused intervention practices that meet the specific evidence criteria in the most recent systematic literature review of studies conducted with learners with autism are designated as evidence-based practices (EBPs). This review resulted in 28 EBPs. EBPs have evidence of efficacy in promoting positive outcomes for learners with autism. Teachers and other service providers may select these practices when designing an individualized education or intervention program because of the evidence that they produce outcomes similar to the goals established for children with autism (Steinbrenner et al., 2020).

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Practices that have at least some evidence of efficacy, but have not met criteria for an evidence-based practice (i.e., too few studies or participants).

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No Evidence

These practices either have no evidence or insufficient evidence of effectiveness for use with children with autism.

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