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Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests - Normative Update

The Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests – Normative Update (BVAT-NU; Muñoz-Sandoval, Cummins, Alvarado, & Ruef, 2005) is comprised of three tests from the Woodcock-Johnson–Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability [WJ-R] (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989).

Available from Riverside Insights


The Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests – Normative Update (BVAT-NU; Muñoz-Sandoval, Cummins, Alvarado, & Ruef, 2005) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced instrument designed to help in developing entry and exit criteria in bilingual education, to facilitate appropriate placement and planning, and to assess a bilingual student’s academic readiness. The BVAT-NU is comprised of three tests from the Woodcock-Johnson–Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability [WJ-R] (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989): Picture Vocabulary (naming familiar and unfamiliar objects); Oral Vocabulary (naming synonyms and antonyms of selected items); and Verbal Analogies, (comprehending and verbally completing a logical word relationship). All three are given first in English. Items answered incorrectly are then repeated in the learner’s native language.

The BVAT-NU yields a Bilingual Verbal Ability score, an English Proficiency score, and scores for each subtest. The test has been translated into 16 languages. If scores are also available for the WJ-R, the scoring program may be used to compare the student’s bilingual aptitude (bilingual verbal ability [BVA]) with achievement as indicated on the WJ-R. The correlation between the WJ-R and the BVAT-NU is used to determine whether the student’s level of achievement is higher or lower than expected for students at the same level of bilingual verbal ability (BVA). If a student’s BVA score is higher than the English language proficiency score and a significant aptitude/achievement discrepancy exists, this discrepancy will be attributed to limited English proficiency. The BVAT-NU may be used to assess individuals from 5 years old to adults.


Age: 5 years to adult

Time to Administer: 30 minutes

Method of Administration: Individually administered, norm-referenced measure of overall verbal ability for bilingual learners (in 16 languages); to be used in conjunction with WJ-R:ACH to consider impact of another language on academic learning in English.

Yields standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), percentile ranks, relative proficiency index (RPI), age- and grade- equivalents, Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) score, English Proficiency Score.

Subscales: Overall Composite: Bilingual Verbal Ability

Subtests: Picture Vocabulary, Oral Vocabulary, Verbal Analogies

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