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20 evaluations found for: Academic Achievement Assessments Reset
Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests - Normative Update
The Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests – Normative Update (BVAT-NU; Muñoz-Sandoval, Cummins, Alvarado, & Ruef, 2005) is comprised of three tests from the Woodcock-Johnson–Revised Tests of Cognitive Ability [WJ-R] (Woodcock & Johnson, 1989).
Diagnostic Achievement Battery - Fourth Edition
The Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Fourth Edition (DAB-4; Newcomer, 2014) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced achievement test used to measure achievement in children from ages 6 to 14.
Gray Oral Reading Test - Fifth Edition
The Gray Oral Reading Test – Fifth Edition (GORT-5; Wiederholt & Bryant, 2012) is an individually administered, norm-referenced instrument used to measure oral reading fluency and comprehension.
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement - Third Edition
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement – Third Edition (KTEA-3; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2014) is an individually-administered measure of academic achievement across multiple areas for individuals from ages 4 years, 6 months through 25.
KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment - Third Edition
The KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment – Third Edition (KeyMath-3; Connolly, 2007) is an individually administered, norm-referenced inventory designed to assess mathematical concepts and skills.
Oral and Written Language Scales - Second Edition
The Oral and Written Language Scales – Second Edition (OWLS-II: Carrow-Woolfolk, 2011) offers an integrated, global approach to language assessment.
Qualitative Reading Inventory - Sixth Edition
The Qualitative Reading Inventory, Sixth Edition (QRI-6; Leslie & Caldwell, 2017) is a criterion-referenced instrument emphasized the authentic assessment of students’ reading abilities from emergent to advanced readers, PK-12, to assess oral reading accuracy, rate of reading, and comprehension of passages read orally and silently.
Test of Early Mathematics Ability - Third Edition
The Test of Early Mathematics Ability – Third Edition (TEMA-3; Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003) is designed to measure the informal and formal mathematics abilities of children ages 3:0 to 8:11.
Test of Early Reading Ability - Fourth Edition
The Test of Early Reading Ability – Fourth Edition (TERA-4; Reid, Hresko, & Hammill, 2017) assesses early-developing reading skills in young children ages 4:8-8:11.
Test of Early Written Language - Third Edition
The Test of Early Written Language – Third Edition (TEWL-3; Hresko, Herron, Peak, & Hicks, 2012) evaluates writing skills in children ages 4 to 11:11.
Test of Mathematical Abilities - Third Edition
The Test of Mathematical Abilities – Third Edition (TOMA-3; Brown, Cronin, & Bryant, 2012) is a norm-referenced assessment tool of mathematical functioning that measures math performance in children aged 8 to 18:11, and is used to identify and quantify mathematical deficits.
Test of Reading Comprehension - Fourth Edition
The Test of Reading Comprehension – Fourth Edition (TORC-4; Brown, Wiederholt & Hammill, 2008) measures silent reading comprehension of contextual reading materials in students between the ages of 7 and 17:11.
Test of Word Reading Efficiency - Second Edition
The Test of Word Reading Efficiency – Second Edition (TOWRE-2; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 2012) is an individually administered, norm-referenced measure of reading fluency and accuracy for individuals ages 6 to 24:11.
Test of Written Language - Fourth Edition
The Test of Written Language – Fourth Edition (TOWL-4; Hammill & Larsen, 2009) is a test of written composition for students aged 9 to 17:11. It can be administered individually or in a group. The measure can help identify students in need of specialized support and document progress in a writing program.
Test of Written Spelling - Fifth Edition
The Test of Written Spelling – Fifth Edition (TWS-5; Larsen, Hammill, & Moats, 2013) is an accurate and efficient instrument that uses a dictated-word format to assess spelling skills in school-age children and adolescents from 5 to 18 years old.
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Third Edition
The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Third Edition (WIAT-III; Wechsler, 2009) comprehensively assesses the achievement of children, adolescents, college students, and adults ages 4 through 50.
Wide Range Achievement Test - Fifth Edition
The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition (WRAT-5; Wilkinson & Robertson, 2017) is designed to measure and monitor fundamental reading, spelling, and math skills among persons 5 years through 85 years and older. It can be administered to individuals or in small groups as a screening instrument.
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests - Third Edition
The Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests – Third Edition (WRMT-III; Woodcock, 2011) is an individually administered assessment designed to measure reading readiness and achievement.
Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement
The Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement (WJ IV ACH; Schrank, Mather, & McGrew, 2014) measures basic skills, fluency, and application in reading, writing, and mathematics domains.
Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey –Third Edition
The Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey – Third Edition (WMLS-III; Woodcock, Alvarado, Ruef, & Schrank, 2017) is an individually administered, norm-referenced instrument designed to measure academic language proficiency in listening, speaking, oral language, language comprehension, reading, and writing.