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19 evaluations found for: Speech-Language-Communication Assessments Reset
Children’s Communication Checklist - Second Edition
The Children’s Communication Checklist – Second Edition, U.S. Edition (CCC-2; Bishop, 2006) is a norm-referenced measure designed to assess children’s communication skills, particularly in the area of pragmatic language. It is used with children 4:0-16:11 who speak in sentences and whose primary language is English.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fifth Edition
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fifth Edition (CELF-5; Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2013) is an individually administered instrument used for identifying and diagnosing language disorder in individuals ages 5:0 through 21:1.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool - Second Edition
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Preschool – Second Edition (CELF-Preschool-2; Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2004) is an individually-administered instrument designed to assess performance in the aspects of language that are considered to be fundamental to the development of effective communication skills for children ages 3:0 through 6:11.
Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales
The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS; Wetherby & Prizant, 2003) is a norm-referenced tool that surveys both communication skills and often-overlooked indicators of symbolic development (i.e., gestures, facial expressions, play behaviors) The screening instrument derived from this instrument, the CSBS Developmental Profile (CSBS DP) helps determine the communicative competence of young children.
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language - Second Edition
The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (CASL-2; Carrow-Woolfolk,2017) is an individually administered oral language battery for individuals ages 3 through 21; it measures oral language processing skills related to both comprehension and expression.
Language Curriculum - Referenced Assessment
The Language Curriculum – Referenced Assessment (LCRA; Cannon, Johnsen, Malone, Walsh, & Fagan, 2002) is a criterion-referenced assessment instrument that uses the language areas of listening comprehension, oral expression, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics to identify areas of strengths and challenges. It can be used for students age 3 through high school.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Fifth Edition
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fifth Edition (PPVT-5; Dunn, 2018) is an individually-administered, norm-referenced measure of receptive vocabulary for use with individuals ages 2 years, 6 months to 90 years and older. It is co-normed with the Expressive Vocabulary Test- Third Edition (EVT-3).
Pragmatic Language Observation Scale
The Pragmatic Language Observation Scale (PLOS; Newcomer, & Hammill, 2009) is a norm-referenced checklist that is completed by teachers or other professionals to provide a quick assessment of spoken language used in the classroom. It is especially useful as a pre-referral tool.
Preschool Language Scale - Fifth Edition
The Preschool Language Scale Fifth Edition (PLS-5; Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, 2011) is an individually administered, play-based instrument that assesses developmental language skills in children from birth to 7 years, 11 months.
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Scale - Third Edition
The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Scale-Third Edition (REEL-3; Bzoch, League, & Brown, 2006) is a norm-referenced caregiver interview that is typically used to screen for emergent language learning problems in both receptive and expressive domains among infants and toddlers up to 3 years of age.
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language - Fourth Edition
The Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language-Fourth Edition (TACL-4; Carrow-Woolfolk, 2014) is a norm-referenced measure of receptive spoken language skills designed for use with individuals aged 3 years through 12 years, 11 months. It is co-normed with the TEXL.
Test of Expressive Language
The Test of Expressive Language (TEXL; Carrow-Woolfolk & Allen, 2014) is a norm-referenced measure of expressive spoken language skills designed for use with individuals aged 3 years through 12 years, 11 months. It is co-normed with the TACL-4.
Test of Language Development, Intermediate - Fourth Edition
The Test of Language Development, Intermediate-Fourth Edition (TOLD- I:4; Newcomer & Hammill, 2008), appropriate for individuals from ages 8 through 17 years, 11 months, is an individually-administered, norm-referenced measure of oral language proficiency.
Test of Language Development, Primary - Fifth Edition
The Test of Language Development:-Primary, Fifth Edition (TOLD-P:5; Newcomer & Hammill, 2019) is used to assess spoken language in children ages 4 through 8 years, 11 months. Six core subtests and three supplemental subtests yield composite scores in three major dimensions of language: semantics and grammar; listening, organizing, and speaking; and overall language ability.
Test of Pragmatic Language - Second Edition
The Test of Pragmatic Language, Second Edition (TOPL-2; Phelps-Terasaki & Phelps-Gunn,2007) examines social communication in context for individuals aged 6 through 18 years, 11 months.
Test of Problem Solving 2: Adolescent
The Test of Problem Solving 2: Adolescent (TOPS-2:A; Bowers, Huisingh, & LoGiudice, 2007) is a norm-referenced instrument that assesses critical thinking abilities based on student language strategies using logic and experiences. It is for adolescents 12:0 through 17:11.
Test of Problem Solving, Elementary - Third Edition: Normative Update
The Test of Problem Solving- Elementary, Third Edition Normative Update (TOPS-3; Bowers, Huisingh, & LoGiudice, 2018) focuses on a broad range of language-based thinking skills, ages 6 through 12:11.
The Communication Matrix
The Communication Matrix (Rowland, 1996) is a direct observational tool/behavioral inventory designed to determine how a child communicates and to provide a framework for developing communication goals.
The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale
The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale (Rossetti, 2006) is a criterion-referenced instrument that was designed to assess the preverbal and verbal aspects of communication and interaction in young children from birth to 3 years of age.