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2 evaluations found for: Other Assessments Reset
Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised
The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills – Revised (ABLLS-R; Partington, 2006) is a criterion-referenced instrument used to assess the language, academic, self-help, and motor skills of children ages birth to 12 years. It is particularly useful for use with children with autism and other developmental disabilities who have deficiencies in language, academic, self-help, and motor skills. The ABLLS-R informs development of individualized curriculum with concrete, actionable educational objectives.
School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory
The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI; Stroud & Reynolds, 2006) is a self-report inventory that measures 10 areas related to success in learning, learning-related motivation, and study habits. Three forms are available: The Child Form (147 items) is for students 8–12 years; the Teen Form (170 items) is for 13–18 year olds); and the new College Form (164 items) is for college students at all levels.